Friday 30 December 2022

Exuberant Soul

 (A tribute to my "Chacha")

Never conceded he was too a human being, 

a  mortal with counted years in hand to live, love and grow.

A soul full of souls, making our lives happy and untangled. 

He was one of those, the utmost significant yet imperceptible cord tying all our loose ends.

Existence was such, the days spent were never enough...

Vacations loaded with carrom tournaments,

Small trips exclusive to bizarre locations,

Planning every little detail to ending up with a karaoke evening at every event.

The celebration and creation, the cheerfulness and assistance,

full up to brim was an individual he.

The mentor, the guide, the father of all little beings under his care.

Lost have we, his very physical being.

But content in knowing that somewhere in the place around, he does exist.

Last what he did was too painful, confiscating our hearts and leaving them drenched with tears of sorrow and departing pause. 

Convincing a reality that permanency does not exist.

A man beyond one's perception was thee!!!

Vartika Saxena 

Saturday 29 August 2020

Altering Landscape

For all the land and water,
for all the skies blue.

Those who are at a fight, constant,
claiming to legalize the stretched view.

For thousands of years passed,
the landmasses had been shifting.

The land which was once in the west,
seems now to be east existing.

The stories, the times, the era of the past,
which now seem to be the inherited cultural source,

Existing proofs of all these have been found all over the earth we know,
in places so far unexpected, and in deep dark drowning oceans decepted.

Thou claim the land as you want, but never forget the pact,
Yes, your pact of life, i.e. survival exists not mere than eighty years.

And like everything returns to his creator,
you too shall return to this land, in your dark stage of twilight.

As these men who think they claim it,
are themselves not mere than dust.

Coz it's not nature that's from us,
But us from mother nature arise.
                                                  -Vartika Saxena

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Photographs -(keeper of rusted memories)

(Happy World Photography Day)

The richness of the photographs lies in their yellowing with time.

Although the pictures, be it on paper or wrapped up around the digital coding, speaks volume about those times lived.

The happiness, the emotions, and all the roller coastered time during those already spent portions of life come whirring around your imaginative eyes.

It's powerful, it's enchanting and it pulls you into that precise perfect time, with a snap of a finger,
and there you are living those moments again and again, like a dope being pulled out of its senses, it pulls you into it as if a magical spell being cast upon.

It makes you re-live those moments again and again,
and the best part is the natural autocorrect, as with time it eliminates all the painful emotions connected to these little pieces of paper.

Photographs, no doubt are the most advanced yet the oldest method of travelling.

You can no wonder visit places where you have been to, to the people who no longer can meet you in the physical world.

Photographs are the external memory of our brain as it stores all the forgotten stories, times, and feelings we had ever lived.

All you have to do is -click the button and there you go capturing memories for a lifetime.
                                                       -Vartika Saxena 

Sunday 2 August 2020

WHITE ENVELOPES (From dear sister to a brother)

Colorful threads enclosed within,
with letters of love and care;
Dispatched to plains far off,
through crowded places and deserted traces
with men of different races and extremely stranger faces!

Finally carried by mailman to the unknown doors,
to familiar people residing within,
sharing common childhood house-hold.

Household of everlasting memories and a booster for nostalgia.

These familiar humans far off have been an important part, despite distance long enough they never came out of the heart.

Belonging of togetherness so pious value it beholds!

These people who are a part of home, have a little home away from home.

Calling out to all the dear lovely brothers,
no matter whether you are far off, or someplace near,

My love and blessings will always be there, no matter how much the sky seems clear.

Those colourful, memories will remain,
enclosed within white envelopes which I share with you every year.
                                                           -A sister
                                                      Vartika Saxena

Monday 13 July 2020


That hollowness subsides, 
when you peacefully reside,
On a shoulder you own,
Yes! Your own!!

That's what it is, love it is,
With a prefix 'SELF', 
which you rightfully slide beside your pride;
Ego is what is left behind,
With a pinch of you, in all the light and bright places, 
The fancy bites and crowdy laces;

But you're lost and 'lost and found',
by nonetheless you. 
The very righteous owner,
but full of sharp edges and corners.

Little pat and an itsy bitsy treat, 
how much it streaks the kid's zeal! 
Go on gentle to that wrapped up toddler,
Yes, that one, the one you disguise. 
Hold hands, pull it out of the dire dark side,
where it bawls and shouts and painfully scoffs.

No show offs,  no runny ramps, no city lights, no singing bands!

Unleash the self, wild and fierce,
like phoenix ignited from a tear,
burn bright, glow light, dim the plight, and rise wide!

And then, when you peacefully reside, that's when you discover you are a might.
                                                    - Vartika Saxena 

Saturday 30 May 2020

Happy vacays!!!

Bicycling like crazy,
in meadows and in daisies;

Games of frisbee and cricket,
waiting to see downed wickets;

Karaoke and musical camps,
and teaming up for bonfire dance;

Toddlers learning to swim with their mums,
along with the rubber tubes around their bumpy tums;

Skies painted with flying kites,
like brush being stroked in black and white;

Rushing to granny's place for sleepovers,
coming out all thick and fluffy like panda lovers;

Spending days and nights, until the countdown begins,
then hovering to the class mates house for homework diggins;

Reaching the end of vacays, locking loads of happy moments,
charged enough to go down the months working through the assessments;

Vacations had been the long desire of each and every kid throughout the year,
longing for one as soon as the new session appears!
                                   -Vartika Saxena

Monday 27 April 2020

Doesn't this entire scenario changes your perception?

After all this gets over, we are gonna emerge as a more compassionate world. In these times of practicality, on which this generation is built. All these disasters, ruining of lives and families of known unknown, loss of dear ones and near ones and everything affecting our lives.

We are unknowingly building up the lost emotions. Those extinct feelings of love, care, respect for people working day and night, concern for each and every being in any corner of the world. All these will eventually lead to the building of newness in every person going through these calamities. When the new earth will emerge, people will also be renewed with emotions and feelings in much more depth, irrespective of color, caste, or society.

It takes 21days to form a habit and these feelings definitely are going to be embedded in the new us!  
                                                     Vartika Saxena

Sunday 22 March 2020

Is this pandemic the way of evolution for new generation?

Doesn't it seem the process of the next-gen evolution?

We had been mercilessly practising human-benefiting acts for our advantage from the times unknown, despite being aware of the consequences of harming our nature, our environment or on the whole of our mother earth.

We know that there is no 'Planet B' for us but this habit of ours to keep on thrusting things on others for our selfish motives has made us do the same with our planet earth as we all knew that the earth has no mouth to raise her voice. And being humans we tend to suppress anybody who can't express, that's the dominating nature we all possess.

But what we forgot was that everything and everybody has its limits and I think we just crossed the borderline.

The theory of 'Natural Selection' proposed by Charles Darwin is what we are going through. It seems like the earth is rebooting. And it's not the first time that something like this is happening. There is an entire factual based historical evidence of the world being rebooted every 100th-year. This is just a natural process of the evolution of living organisms for a new world.

'Survival of the fittest is what we are going through. It's a kind of test to be cleared. The ones who can clear will become the members of the new generation whereas the weaker ones (low immunity or physical strength or willpower etc) will be eliminated naturally as we all can witness.

A few months from now everything will be starting afresh with living organisms having more advanced traits required for survival in that kind of environment existing at that time.

We shouldn't be scared of what is happening all around the world, instead, we should accept the change. We are all going through a process of change and it ain't gonna be easy. In simple words tests are never easy so how could this one be.

If you believe that the beginning of the selection process was the outbreak of this pandemic in 2020 then let me recall you in 2019 there were 'The lungs of the earth on fire' i.e. The Amazon Rainforest then by the end of the year Australia was burning and we all know how much of the Kangaroo's and Koala's population was eliminated.

When huge animals like dinosaurs who once ruled the earth are no more seen walking around except their remains in the museum.

What are we then?

BALANCE IS THE KEY. Whenever we would fail to, mother nature would take responsibility in her hands.
                                                        - Vartika Saxena

Saturday 14 September 2019

Raising your energy

Each frequency has its own specific aura therefore everytime you raise your frequency and become a higher level of energy source, YOU transform yourself into a new person. The older self is shed off. You break open your shell and come out new and powerful. 

Saturday 7 September 2019

Are they synonyms?

Fate and Destiny

On a superficial note, they can be considered as synonyms but when deeply looked into, there is a huge difference.

Fate is the end of every event in our life whereas destiny is reached at the very end of our life.

Fate is controlled by our thought process whereas destiny depends upon our fate.

Destiny is achieved after a long tenure when it's the dawn of our life.
Whereas fate is every upcoming event.

Destiny is one final reaching point. Where there is nothing beyond. It all ends where your destiny lies. Whereas fate is ever-changing. With every new action, you can change your fate.

As said earlier, destiny depends upon our fate, multiple fates on a whole form a destiny.
The final ending.

Your success may temporarily depend upon your fate. But it's your destiny which defines whether you succeeded as a person or not.
                                                      - Vartika Saxena 

Saturday 31 August 2019

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction - Karma

There is one supreme, one power, one almighty and we all are connected to that strongest energy form.
This proves that we all are interconnected (through the mightiest energy) and as we are interconnected, we altogether can be referred to as one unit (the maximum energy source). And the energy is obviously extremely positive.

As we know that we are one, now if we think about any negative activity or action we are separating our personal self from the rest of the big energy (positive) mass. Moreover, we know that we all are one, so accordingly any negative action produced by us (being a part of one extreme unit) will obviously harm us (that same ONE unit).

And this is how karma works so perfectly every time.
                                                      -Vartika Saxena

Saturday 13 July 2019

Random Thoughts #62

Instead of searching for the bright light in the dark tunnel, illuminate and become one.
Stop searching for the source of power in any secondary thing.
Everything arises and descends within you.
                                                       -Vartika Saxena 

Tuesday 25 June 2019


One of Newton's laws clearly states that "energy can neither be created nor it can be destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another"
And we being energy are following the same.

Our material self (the body) arises and returns to the same source.
The life of a person eventually comes to an end along with the release of energy from its material self.
The cycle is continuously repeating; certainly, the forms of energy are changing, therefore, the flow is constant.

The energy released vibrates in the last highest frequency of that person and therefore it's always there in the universe, but whether the energy is freely moving in the universe or its mingled with the universal energy (attainment of nirvana) depends on the fact whether the frequency of the released energy matches with the universal energy or not.

It is the liberation of oneself from all the material world. It is only possible when along with the body our energy also returns to its source.
Meditation helps to raise the frequency of the energy possessed by a person. The uniting of a person's energy with the highest energy (universal energy) is only possible when their frequencies match.
And this is what saints do. They meditate to raise their vibration to attain nirvana.

                                                         -Vartika Saxena

Thursday 20 June 2019

The last encounter (Dooms Day)

Your physical appearance may provide you with limelight for a certain time, it can raise your so-called standards, but do not be proud of it.
Coz that is not your possession. What you own is embedded deep within.
Coz colour, caste or sex does not count there.
The encounter is of your energy, it's your energy which speaks all.
Your last encounter is not in flesh and blood and not even in words. It's the energy that communicates.
The energy you emit is your voice there.

So, rather than polishing on the outside, we must work upon our inner aura coz that is what radiates even on the outside.
                                                          -Vartika Saxena 

Thursday 13 June 2019

Karma (precise and to the point)

Karma doesn't stop at one person. 
It keeps on circulating from one person to another along with the deeds. 

We all have understood karma in the wrong way... 
If I repeat the definition, it says  
"what goes around comes around"

karma not only imply to any negative or bad action of a person. It applies to everything you do. 
When you love yourself, value yourself, you'll get it back from others.
When you sacrifice yourself for others, you are giving this vibe out, in return to your activity, you will get back the same i.e. the other person will again sacrifice you as a resource and drain you out.
Karma is everything you think or do, what you give to the universe, is going to come back to you. 
So love yourself, make your life colourful and do everything positive coz when you feel that you would not enjoy your company, how could you expect it from anybody else. But as you are sending this vibe out, therefore that is what is going to come back to you i.e. others will make you feel the same about yourself. 
That you are not needed or you are boring or lifeless. 

My dear, the power is in your hands. 
Change your karma. 

P. S.  It does not mean disrespecting others or creating an ego for yourself coz when you give these vibes out, be ready to have them back as your karma. 
                                                         -Vartika Saxena 

Saturday 8 June 2019

The awakening (goosebumped)

Introduction - If we talk about this world, we all are in a different color, we all speak various varieties of language. In a way, we can say that we all are different and unique. But when it comes to the creator of the universe we all worship the one and only. We all believe that the power of creation lies among the hands of only one. Even if we talk about holy books.  Each major religion has its own precious Holy Book and each of those heavenly books have various teachings, intellects, etc. But the common thing among all the holy books is that the power of creation lies solely on the one extremely powerful source of energy. The names are different as per the religion but no religion says about the power being in more than one hand.
No matter wherever we hover all over the earth, no matter in millions of different languages we speak or whatever different variety of food we eat, we all are the same flesh and blood. We all gain our strength, our faith, our will to be patient by worshipping, by making emotional and mental contact with the Supreme. The extreme positive energy is what controls the universe. The process is different in each religion but the connection is definitely to the same power which is the highest of all.

Realization of the existence-
There is just one supreme power. The Universe. No figure, no shape or sex, just the extremely positive energy present. The powerful force which can bring anything to you if You Really Want It To.
Religions, Caste and various different ways of divisions, no single one has ever left this part in their teachings where they preach or talk about their lord, or Allah, or God Almighty. Each one of them has taught about the same force but they have given different names to it. The ways of worshipping may be different, the ways to connect to the Supreme (the name given to that force in your religion) may be different accordingly, but we all seek, we all connect, we all bow down and we all look for hope in that same very place, to the same very power. The one above us all.
It has no shape so it can be a human (any deity figure, or Prophet Mohammed, or Jesus Christ) or just the brightest of light coming from nowhere. It all depends upon our imagination, in what way we want to accept it.
But the most important thing is how this energy works. How is it listening to all our needs?
All it needs is a belief in it. The faith without a trace of doubt or second thought whether you will receive what you have asked for or not.
And the universe will make a way for it to happen. Have a belief with a happy positive feeling and always be grateful for what you receive coz everything you receive is what you have asked for in some way or the other.
Whatever emotions you show,  the energy takes it as your wish and reflects it in multiples.
If you send signals of fear,  it will multiply, if u send signals of hatred it will again multiply back to you in form of negativity.
Send happy, positive feelings and see what returns to you.
Don't hold grudges, don't hold ill feelings just let all negative emotions drain out and fill yourself with goodness and positivity.
If you link karma to this fact it will exactly balance out.

What is Karma?
"Karma is what goes around comes around" or "As you sow, shall you reap"
If we send negativity in any form it comes to us ten folds back in any of the forms and we say that a particular person has received for what he/she has done.

Then there is greed. We can put up a question saying that if there is really something like this working then we can definitely fulfil our needs. Especially sources like money, power and if it is working then by now each one of us would have been rich and powerful. Here I would like to interrupt this question by saying that if you can accept that there is some power looking after you, and if you are able to believe in its existence with all your heart and soul, greed will no more exist in you. You will understand the deeper meaning of your existence, the meaning of the tamed mind.

Enlightenment can be a cheezy word in this century.
Some may question and few may believe but everything exists, it is just the matter of (spiritual or scientific or soulful or you may call it by any kind of) experience.

Motivational source- "The Secret"

- Vartika Saxena

Sunday 7 April 2019

Random Thought #59

According to the notion "first impression is the last impression"
toppings are really an important part..
but its more insulting to leave a dish after tasting it, rather than not tasting it at all.
Similarly internal beauty is equally important as external.. coz after knowing a person, the internal chaos can totally scar the worth in one's eye.
                                                          -Vartika Saxena

Saturday 22 December 2018

Random Thought #58

I wonder how these little humans can give so much immense pleasure and happiness to everyone around, even when they are unaware of speech to flatter!!

                                                          -Vartika Saxena 

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Life Personified

Oh, come on life lets search the world for us...

Oh life, let us go deep down the ocean blue and steal the indigoest pearl from its womb...

Lets, let's fly high and hire the moon for a ride or just swing around with the vibrant vibgyor...

And lets definitely shoot the sun with the icy bullets and create a lively snowman on its hottest core...

Come on lets strike the stars with our gadgets, scoring points 10 on each shimmering body...

Lets take up the waters to the sky and spill it into a river flowing out of nowhere...

Come on lets pull out the moon during an eclipse, when it's hidden behind to change its clothes...

And lets rotate the biggest of the clock, on which the time once passed never returns...

Hey! lets paint the trees purple and the air white, as it would lead people to collide..

Lets dig up a dino fossil, blowing in the air and making it alive...

Oh, life lets do it, discover it....lets see what's hidden behind it!!!

                                                       -Vartika Saxena