Monday, 27 April 2020

Doesn't this entire scenario changes your perception?

After all this gets over, we are gonna emerge as a more compassionate world. In these times of practicality, on which this generation is built. All these disasters, ruining of lives and families of known unknown, loss of dear ones and near ones and everything affecting our lives.

We are unknowingly building up the lost emotions. Those extinct feelings of love, care, respect for people working day and night, concern for each and every being in any corner of the world. All these will eventually lead to the building of newness in every person going through these calamities. When the new earth will emerge, people will also be renewed with emotions and feelings in much more depth, irrespective of color, caste, or society.

It takes 21days to form a habit and these feelings definitely are going to be embedded in the new us!  
                                                     Vartika Saxena