Bicycling like crazy,
in meadows and in daisies;
Games of frisbee and cricket,
waiting to see downed wickets;
Karaoke and musical camps,
and teaming up for bonfire dance;
Toddlers learning to swim with their mums,
along with the rubber tubes around their bumpy tums;
Skies painted with flying kites,
like brush being stroked in black and white;
Rushing to granny's place for sleepovers,
coming out all thick and fluffy like panda lovers;
Spending days and nights, until the countdown begins,
then hovering to the class mates house for homework diggins;
Reaching the end of vacays, locking loads of happy moments,
charged enough to go down the months working through the assessments;
Vacations had been the long desire of each and every kid throughout the year,
longing for one as soon as the new session appears!
-Vartika Saxena